DDigIT Collection Publisher

Double Dig IT has developed an Online Public Access Catalogue module, that is fully compatible with Adlib and Axiell Collections.

A demo version of the entire application can be found on https://demo.ddigit.eu/caracol

Independent and scalable

The application is a Single Page Application developed with Microsoft’s Blazor technology. The application runs on Windows, MacOS and Linux and is compatible with all common browsers. The application can also be installed in a “container” such as Docker, Cubernetes or Azure. If that sounds like Abracadabra to you, this means it is easily installed “in the Cloud”.

100% Compatible with the Axiell Adlib API

The application can be used on any existing version of Adlib or Axiell Collections, without requiring any changes to their implementation.

Easy configuration

The search forms, list displays and detail displays are all configured using JSON files. The syntax of these files is kept deliberately simple in order to make the process of configuring (or tweaking) the application fast and effective.

This method of configuration is used throughout the entire application, so there is no confusing mix of Javascript, XML and XSLT. This means that maintenance on the application is improved immensely and core components of the software can be updated (with new features) later without changing the configuration. Multiple versions of search forms and display formats can be defined for the user to pick from. The style of the entire application can be changed easily to fit the identity of the organisation.

Completely responsive design

The application layout changes dynamically based on the users screen format: PC, MAC, Tablet, Smartphone, the available screen space is always optimally used.

Integration with DDLoan and Adloan

For lending libraries there is a complete integration with Adloan: a borrower can see his status, reserve items online and renew an existing loan. The parameters from Adloan are leading (i.e. you are not allowed to loan if you would not be able to do so in Adloan), in addition: only loans that can be renewed according to the set parameters have a renew button in the user interface (no more trial and error).


Needless to say, but only the translations of languages that are used in the application need to be defined. These are stored in a central place in a JSON file and are separated in “system” and “application translations”. These system translations are shared across all applications and are maintained by DDigit. The “application translations” are different for each application and can also overwrite system translations. The syntax of a translation file looks like this:

“Field”: “Veld”,
“Value”: “Waarde”,
“Truncate”: "Truncatie",
“Search in”: "Zoek in",

This is a segment from the “NL.json” file containing system translations to Dutch. We believe it couldn’t be simpler.


Render as PDF

In order to easily print or mail displayed catalogue items, results can be automatically converted to a PDF. The layout of this PDF is defined by the same JSON file used for the display formats. In fact, every display format can be used as a mail or print format with the addition of the following instructions:

“Name”: “Search result”,
“Title”: “Detail display format for caracol”,
“Print”: true,
“Mail”: true,

This activates the print and mail buttons in the user interface, and enables the PDF generator. The use of this PDF output guarantees perfect prints.

No license- or maintenance costs…

That’s right: for this product Double Dig IT charges no license or maintenance costs. Even the configuration and installation are free if you choose to do this yourself. Needless to say Double Dig IT can also take care of the installation and configuration. If you would like our help with these steps, we would happily write up a quotation for you. Additionally, if your application requires specific additions to the software we are eager to offer these with you. We like insight in who would like to use our product and work together on improving its features, that’s why the application is currently only available by request.


– Blazor, documentation Microsoft’s Blazor technology:

Special thanks to

Caracol – Catalogue Collectif, for the collection of the current demo version.

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